Saturday, December 28, 2019

The United States and the Beginning of the Cold War

The United States and the Beginning of the Cold War a) There were three cracks evident between the US-Soviet relationship. America and Russia argued about the opening of a second front against Germany. Stalin’s plans where that America and Britain invade western Europe so the Russian Red Army gets stronger and pressure on them is relieved. Roosevelt promised a second front by the time of 1942, but the delay of plans for an Anglo-American invasion of German-occupied France angered Stalin because his plans to make his Army Stronger are not going to be easily fulfilled since the western countries would still be powerful. The invasion of France was delayed until D-Day which angered Stalin. Instead,†¦show more content†¦e) The â€Å"one world† policy contradicts the â€Å"sphere of influence† policy. Russians hat the plans for the â€Å"sphere of influence† and the Americans the â€Å"one world† policy which both contrast. Roosevelt had an clear idea of peace. His most important post war aim was to accomplish the creation of the peace keeping organisation, the United Nations. His opinion was that there should be no spheres of influence, which contradicts Stalin’s post war aims. The Sphere of influence was basically a group of states under the indirect control of outside power. For example, Russia wanted Poland, Romania and Bulgaria to be Russia’s sphere of influence to protect Russia from invasions and attacks. On the contrary, Roosevelt felt that every country had the right for self determination, which is to decide for themselves how they should be governed. But Stalin was for the â€Å"sphere of influence†, since he wanted something like a security cordon against German expansion. His ideas were communist and Roosevelt’s where democratic. The Breakdown of the US-Soviet Alliance, 1945: Key Issues ========================================================= f) In 1943, the Soviet Union ended its relationships with Poland after Poland criticised Stalin. Later, Stalin exploited the Red Army’s occupation of Poland in 1944 to set up a pro-Soviet governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War During World War II Essay1632 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cold War was a clash of culture, ideologies, and a standoff between the world s two greatest nuclear powers. The argument of the American side was based around Capitalism and a hunger for ever growing business while the Soviet Union’s was structured around Communism and it’s powerful theocracy that stated it must be spread to every country on the planet. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Environmental Issues The United States And Uruguay Essay

Miriam Aburmaieleh Professor Jason Keiber Global Politics 28th October 2016 Environmental Issues: The United States and Uruguay There are seven continents in the world made up of many powerful nations, big and small. These nations all have one thing in common, they struggle with the large consumption of our nonrenewable resources. Using these nonrenewable resources are harmful for the environment. Among these powerful nations is the United States. The United States is one of the biggest consumers of our nonrenewable resources. In this paper, I will provide an analysis of the United States’ consumption of resources. I will also compare the United States to Uruguay, a small yet more effective country when it comes to utilizing our renewable resources. The United States is the largest consumer of nonrenewable resources in the world. In the United States the primary source of energy comes from 3 different resources. These resources are petroleum, natural gas and coal. The three of these resources make up over 90 percent of the energy consumption of nonrenewable resources in the United States. These nonrenewable resources are considered fossil fuels that are not costly when it comes to extracting them from the environment. Fossil fuels are a large contributor to the air pollution than any other resource. Nonrenewable energy is energy that once used can not be replenished and used again. When burning fossil fuels this has proven to be bad for the environment. The resource coal isShow MoreRelatedComponents 2 : Ethics And Culture Essay964 Words   |  4 Pagesmarkets. One of these new markets can be Uruguay. Uruguay is located in the middle east of South America, between Argentina to its west and Brazil to its northeast. Three-quarters of the country have low-lying landscape which is grassland, ideal for cattle and sheep raising. Also, this territory is suitable for agriculture, and forestry. These activities are the most important source of exports or the country. This activities are possible because Uruguay has a privileged climate. Its climate is warmRead MoreThe New England Journal Of Medicine Essay1007 Words   |  5 PagesThe New England Journal of Medicine Healthcare policy is a very interesting topic on lots of levels and this will be a continues topic that comes up domestically or internationally. When it comes to discussing health care in the United states a lot of these discussions begin with quality and cost. In the New England journal of medicine, there is an article that titled â€Å"The Relation between Funding by the National Institutes of Health and Burdon of Disease†. (2016) This article discusses topics ofRead MoreThe World Trade Organization ( Wto )1345 Words   |  6 Pagesand judicial body in the world. It is an international organization that established to supervise and liberalize international trade. 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ThisRead More Trade and Environment Essay1539 Words   |  7 Pages Resulting from one of these quot;rounds,quot; where nations meet to discuss trade issues, an organization known as the WTO, or the World Trade Organization, was created after the Uruguay Round of 1986-1994. With the lofty goals of uniting countries for the benefits of economic prosperity, the WTO has put together a series of documents explaining its positions; a constitution of sorts. One of the major issues that is fought by activists and environmentalists worldwide is the WTO’s effect on theRead MoreThe World Trade Organization and Environmental Protection Essay2672 Words   |  11 Pagesexamine how the rules of the WTO have affected international environmental governance through ignoring environmental protection and labour rights. I compare from one angle the effects of GATT to trade liberalization. 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Various tariffs (with a specific focus on those related to agribusiness, materials and vehicles) were eliminated on a gradual basis, starting with the agreement’s implementation and completion on January 1, 2008. Around one-fourth of all U.S. imports (particularly unrefined petroleum, machinery, gold, vehicles, livestock, and domesticated animals) originates from Canada and Mexico, which are the United States second-and third-biggest providersRead MoreThe Rise Of International Trade1283 Words   |  6 Pagesexample, bilateral trade agreements have grown considerably in popularity as, most of present day countries have entered into at least a bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements if not both. The lack of a bilateral trade agreement between the United States and Brazil, the two largest economies in the w estern hemisphere, derives from personal motivations, political setting and relations, as well as the overall economic development of each country. Literature on trade agreements, not specifically onRead MoreThe Good the Bad the Wto Essay1348 Words   |  6 PagesTariffs and Trade or GATT was created. This was not an international organization but an inter-governmental treaty. This provided the framework for the conduct of international trade. But this expanded and grew yearly and in April 1994, in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations expanded on the GATT and created the World Trade Organization or WTO. The World Trade Organization was created with a goal and ultimate objective set in mind. Its ultimate goal is to improve the welfare of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Aspects of Company Woolworths Limited

Question: Write about theAspects of Companyfor Woolworths Limited. Answer: Description about Woolworths Limited On 22, 1924 Woolworth Limited was established. The founder of the company is Stanley Chatterton, Percy Christmas, George Creed, Cecil Scott Wayne and Ernest Williams. The first store of Woolworth was operating in Woolworths Stupendous Bargain Basement. In Auckland in 1956 a food store was opened and in 1971 the supermarket was established. In 1990 a dairy farm was opened (Du Plessis, 2010). In 1999 a joint venture of commonwealth bank was made in Sydney which has been later named as Woolworths Ezy Banking. The company is an eminent name in retail industry. Woolworth Limited is mainly operating in India, Australia and New Zealand (Kang, 2013). The Australian headquarters of Woolworth Limited are situated in New South Wales, Canberra, Victoria. The diverse division of Woolworth are super market (Woolworths Countdown), Food for Less, Thomas Dux (Flemings), Liquor (BWS and Fan Murphys), Petrol (Caltex Woolworths), Home Improvement (Masters), and General Merchandise (Big W) and Hotels (AL H Group). The global headquarter of Woolworth Limited are situated in Bella Vista (Australia), and New York (United States). The total number of employees associated with Woolworth Limited in Australia is 202,000. The total number of employees associated with Woolworth Limited globally is 403, 0000 which comprises of 14 countries. A varied range of products are available in Woolworth supermarket like groceries and other products for example beauty products, beverages, liquor, and bakery. Woolworth Limited ranked in the second position among the top 200 companies of Australia. In the year 2016 Woolworth Limited generated total revenue of $58,563,300,000. The company comprises of 992 Woolworth Supermarkets, 184 Countdown grocery stores, 530 petrol stations and 5 Thomas Dux stores. There are 961 stores and 111,000 team members in the stores of the company (Gardner, 2012). The share price of Woolworth Limited is 26.88 AUD. This company is the 19th largest retailer of the world. About 21,000,000 customers are served by Woolworth every week. Woolworth has 445,000 shareholders. In the warehouse group of New Zealand 10% of strategic stake is managed on the part of the company. About 75% of the company is owned by the Leisure Hospitality Group (Cameron, 2015). In 1996 Woolworth group got involved in petrol market. In 2006 retail point of sale was observed in the company. About 70% of master stores are operated by this group. Woolworth is the multinational company which works with the wholesale and retail market. Hence on the basis of the above description the way in which the service of the company operates comprising of different perspectives can be clearly observed. Regulatory Framework and its affect on Woolworths Limited There are different regulatory regimes made on commonwealth level of the Woolworth Limited. National compliance is operated by Woolworth. The national compliance policy is needed to be maintained by the jurisdiction of the stringent operations (Arli,, 2013). The single state is operated by the retailers. Several operations has made by Woolworth such as Product Safety Regulation, Goods Transportation and Load Limitations Regulations, Chemical Regulation, Chemicals Regulation, Liquor Licensing and Staff Training Regulations, Container Deposit Regulations and Corporate Registration Regulations. According to Product Safety Regulation there are several potential which are needed to be fulfilled with Trade Practice Act 1974. When the products are sold in the market, there is a market price of the Commonwealth level. According to this regulation the products which are sold in the wholesale market of the organization are needed to check with the manufactured date and expiry date of the products. Before selling the product, it is necessary that all the details of the product are checked and the product should be kept in the safe place. The hybrid fruits and vegetables should not be sold in market. This has given huge profit to the company. With the help of the economic plans and jurisdictions, it can be understood that uneconomical situations are needed to be handled through which problem in the company can be solved and the security of the products can be maintained (Marucheck, 2011). Another regulation is Goods Transportation and Load Limitations Regulations which is followed on the uniform concept of National Transport Commission. Products are transported by Woolworth in the jurisdiction operations of the company. It is necessary that all the subsequences are needed to be followed through which the legal rules can be applied that how to transport the goods from one place to another place in time. The Woolworths Limited works on the transportation because if proper transportation cannot be fulfilled then there will be problem in transporting goods in the market. There is negative impact on the organization if proper ways are not followed. It is seen that after the implementation of Goods Transportation and Load Limitations Regulations on the company, the work of the company are formulating in the work process of the inconsistencies and high burden (McLachlan, 2013). After the implementation of this law, positive notice has been found that with the help of this re gulation the work structure is needed to be followed in a proper way in a huge impact. Agreements, Conventions and Treaties on theImpact of the Products A treaty was made on Woolworths Limited v BP plc (2006). At first it was identified that can the colour be a trademark in any company. Later by the Federal Court of Australia investigation was done and it was found that appeal can be done on the concept of the work and it is found that when the structure can be beheld than it can be identified. After this treaty it has been found that predominate structure are needed to be asserted and with the help of such conducts. An agreement was made on Woolworths National Supermarket Agreement 2012 where the binding rules of the company are described. As per Fair Work Act of Australia, seven days agreement has been made by the employees and the employers of the organization. In the agreement, the working hours and the longevity of the service is written which works with the service that different consequences are needed to be fulfilled and this helps in caring the proper service in the organization (Keith, 2012). In the Woolworth Petrol Enterprise Agreement 2012 as application was as per section 185 of Fair Work Act (2009) agreement was made between Petrol Company and Woolworth that in the annexure it is drawn that as per section 186, 187, 18 and 190 the persuasion of the act has shown that different legislative approaches are needed to fulfilled by the distribution of the act. As per section 202(4) of Fair Work Regulations 2009 the distributive functions of the allied works it is necessary that proper regulations are needed to be maintained, so it is necessary that proper regulations of the organizations are needed to be followed (Chalmers,, 2013). According to section 201 (2) in the agreement has been made on the terms of Petrol Enterprise. Woolworths Liquor Agreement 2012 works with Fair Work Act were enterprise agreement works with the schedule 2.2 where it is written that through the distributive alliance the subjectivity of nominal practise are needed to be fulfilled. In the agreement the conventions are needed to be formulated through which it can be preached that attentive orders are needed to be followed. In this agreement the tax in liquor rate has been formulated with the work of the organization. It is necessary that consequences are needed to be formulated which helped in carrying forward the substances that what will the liquor rate can be determined (McCrystal,, 2010). The paying rate is 150% on the tax of the liquor which is needed to be calculated on the consequences through which it can be analysed that how the work of the company can progress. There are several notices which are needed to be discussed with the development that how long lasting process can be determined in the organization. This helped the tax level of the company needed to be developed here (Kuo,, 2011). In the convention of the organization it can be identified that several perspectives are needed to be determined through which the termination of the work analyses can be justified. It is necessary that facts of the agreements and consequences and convections are needed to be formulated which helps in carrying forward the terms of the organization in a secure and valid mode (Jie,, 2015). Woolworth is retail industry which needs to follow certain agreements and legal rules which are described above. With the help of all these rules the consequences can be solved in the organization. This may help in carrying forward the determination of the subject. References Arli, V., Dylke, S., Burgess, R., Campus, R., Soldo, E. (2013). Woolworths Australia and Walmart US: Best practices in supply chain collaboration.Journal of Economics, Business Accountancy Ventura,16(1). Cameron, A. J., Sayers, S. 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