Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Discuss how eukaryotic organisms came into existence Coursework

Discuss how eukaryotic organisms came into existence - Coursework Example The study of the origin of the eukaryotes is a dynamic branch of this science, and much research has taken place in order to try and explain the development of this unique and structurally and functionally distinct class of organisms (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006). There are many theories and models regarding this debate, and many of those models are conflicting in nature (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006). This paper purports to discuss the most commonly accepted and relevant models of the origin of eukaryotes, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and presenting a conclusion about the needs for future research into this field, and the specific parameters that should be aimed for in that future research. Discussion/Body: Let us begin our discussion with an understanding of a eukaryotic organism. The eukaryotic organisms, as opposed to the prokaryotic cells, have originated rather recently in the history of evolution (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006). ... is no structurally developed control center like the nucleus of the eukaryotes (White, 2006), and the organelles, if present, are simple and non-membranous (White, 2006). Such organisms had the capability of surviving in the harshest of environments, as was necessary in the early development of the world’s ecosystems (White, 2006). They reproduced by simple binary fission (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006) and could metabolise with or without the availability of oxygen (White, 2006), using a variety of chemicals as substrates for metabolism. In contrast, the eukaryotes are defined by the presence of a well-defined nucleus, which is membrane bound (White, 2006). There are a variety of organelles, which are complex in nature and many are also membrane-bound (White, 2006); the division of labour is enhanced and made more efficient in the eukaryotes (White, 2006). Such organisms are increasingly oxygen-dependent (White, 2006), and have a reduced capability to withstand extremes of enviro nments, requiring a more stable environment around them (White, 2006). There is a general consensus of scientific opinion that the eukaryotes came into being by the ‘fusion’ (Rivera & Lake, 2004) or ‘association’ (Rivera & Lake, 2004) of different prokaryotic organisms (Rivera & Lake, 2004). Unfortunately, the consensus of opinion is limited till here. From this conjecture, several theories have arisen in an effort to best explain the behavior of eukaryotes, both genetically and phenotypically. Two of the most common models are the ‘nucleus and mitochondria co-origin’ (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006) model and the ‘nucleus-first, mitochondria-later’ (Bacterial phylogeny, 2006) model. Let us study the co-origin model first. Scientists supporting the co-origin model claim that a fusion

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Discussion 8 part B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion 8 part B - Essay Example sattva of Compassion’, the figure is claimed to have been sculpted using a special technique called ‘yosegi’ which gave most creation of the era, 794-1185 AD, its distinct characteristic, chiefly made of wood carved into form out of the several fragments of wood. The assembly when examined in detail, may be observed to have been artfully crafted by a number of specialists or artisans with the finest skills. Such endeavor justify how this particular bodhisattva could, in a way or another, reflect the prevailing theme at the time in which Japan took pride in its genius through the fields of religion, philosophy, art, and rich literature. Though the ‘Eleven-Headed Bodhisattva of Compassion’ primarily consists of wood, the sophisticated carvings and the countenance which appears to possess a blend of gold and bronze external coating, aimed to bring about a wholly essential color, suggests subtle prominence while depicting the purpose of identifying a bodhisattva by nature. The smooth lines of the sculpture were fashioned such that the strokes exude a character with humble gesture, one with which no trace of rigidity can be detected. In the absence of conspicuous edges in its shape all throughout, the eleven-headed Kannon may be readily claimed to have been so intentionally brought to the gentlest of forms so as to align the overall look of the structure with the attribute or definition the ‘Eleven-Headed Bodhisattva of Compassion’ is. With the manner it was rendered through carving, it occurs naturally deserving of an equivalent sentiment apart form all anxieties as it effortlessly projects a n image of pure and complete tranquility. A sound critic may truthfully infer that the eleven-headed Kannon was created by an author whose hands well communicated with the mind that synergistically functioned with the heart by virtue of passion and wisdom which entailed total discernment of his work. Knowing the essence of a bodhisattva, which is substantiated in